24/7 emergency service: (403) 274-2621
Garage & Patio
Turn your garage and patios into all-season areas for your family to enjoy. Keep your garage temperate to protect your cars and content and keep your patio warm to extend summer into fall and spring.
Expert HVAC Solutions is Calgary’s leading local company in installing garage and patio heaters
Garage Heater
Our cold winters can play havoc with our cars. Cars are generally less efficient in the winter and that is really noticeable first thing in the morning when you turn the car on and listen to the whine of the engine working overtime. A garage heater can take some of the punch out of winter by keeping your car temperature stable when it isn’t running, protects against engine wear and keeps the oil in your car less viscous.
But your car isn’t the only thing that benefits from a garage heater. The rooms surrounding the garage are often cold even when they are running their own heating systems. This can lead to increased heating expenses as you try to increase the heat in these rooms while the temperature in the garage is working against you.
And let’s not forget the times you are working in the garage and how nice it would be to be able to work through all seasons without having heavy jackets getting in the way of the work you are trying to do.
Call Expert HVAC Solutions to talk about your garage heating options and how you can get the most out of your space.

Don’t spend another winter getting into a freezing car. Let Expert HVAC Solutions certified technicians help you install or maintain your garage heater.
What We Offer
Hot Dawg is widely recognized as the industry’s most popular residentially-certified gas-fired unit heater, with six sizes available from 30,000 – 125,000 BTUs. It is an ideal solution for residential garages and workshops!
- Hush-puppy quiet operation
- Right or left hand controls available on 30-75 units by rotating unit 180 degrees
- 10 year warranty on heat exchanger
- Lightweight, easy installation 1″ from ceiling
- Operates with natural or propane gas
- Power vented model simplifies side-wall or roof venting with small-diameter vent pipe
- Finger-proof fan guards on all units
- Permanently lubricated motor
- Certified for residential, commercial and industrial use
- Comes in standard grey/green or optional black Special Edition
- Other models available include blower model (HDB)

Expert HVAC Solutions has a selection of outdoor patio heater and accessories that will let you enjoy your patio space all-year long.
Patio Heater
Make your outdoor living room an all-season area with the comfort of a patio heater! Whether you’re enjoying a lovely dinner outside with your friends during the summer time, or a cozy cup of hot cocoa in the winter, now you can heat your outdoor space with an efficient and affordable heater.
Give us a call and we will help you find the best patio heater for your space so that you can extend summer long past August.
What We Offer
The most sophisticated patio heaters for the 21st century patio is here! What makes it the best? Simple…it works. It does what it is supposed to do: it keeps people on the patio or deck warm, no matter what! Producing gas-fired energy in the form of infrared waves, this heater warms the patio at the turn of a switch – performance which has been called “one step shy of magic.” Increase your outdoor dining season by 70 %, and look great doing it! Calcana Industries is in the business of heating outdoor dining and smoking areas… allowing you to serve more customers and increase profits!
- Up to 75,000 btu capacity with a fuel cost of less than 75¢ per hour
- Variable heat control from 50 to 100 percent capacity
- Heaters take up zero floor space
- Wall or ceiling mounting available, covered or uncovered applications
24/7 emergency service: (403) 274-2621
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We offer 24 hour emergency service! Call us any time and you will be directed to the service technician that is on call.
If you have a question or would like a quote for one of our services or products, please fill out the form below and one of our team members will contact you shortly. We look forward to connecting with you!
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Bay #6, 1112 40th Ave. N.E.
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 5T8
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(403) 274-2621
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